Posts tagged perl
Title: WebService::Strava - A Strava API Perl Client
- 26 August 2014
Being a Cyclist and a Geek, I like to track things. Being a Sys Admin and a Programmer I also like this to happen in the most efficient manner possible. Insert Strava, which is basically a social networking platform for cyclists/runners/swimmers (I believe they’re adding more as well). Strava has an App for recording things or you can use any app or device that can output in one of the supported formats (GPX, FIT and TCX).
Dancing with WebSockets
- 20 February 2014
I learnt during the development of the EventStreamR frontend that websockets are cool! Another learning project of mine is NanodeControl and after learning what all the cool new things are available I wanted to have a crack at making it more modern.
Automating AV: EventStreamr
- 20 January 2014
EventStreamR come to inception from a collection of experiences amongst our local LUG the Perth Linux User Group. Although we call ourselves PLUG, we have members from all over the state. Western Australia being quite large, 2,529,875 square km or over 10 times bigger than Victoria; so some of our members find it quite difficult to attend. A few years ago an initiave started by James Bromberger was to film and live stream all PLUG talks so that every member had an oppurtunity to attend our meetings, even if they couldn’t necessarily make it in person.